Team Board of Directors Advisors Hub Governing Body iHub Team Prof. Laxmidhar BeheraDirector, IIT Mandi iHub and HCi Foundation Prof. Syed AbbasDirector, IIT Mandi iHub and HCi Foundation Prof. Venkata KrishnanDirector, IIT Mandi iHub and HCi Foundation Air Vice Marshal PKH Sinha VSM (Retd)Director, IIT Mandi iHub and HCi FoundationStrategic Advisor, IIT Mandi AdvisorsMr. KB RajendranAdvisor: Skill Development and Industry Collaboration Mr. Ezhilvel ElangovanAdvisor: Infrastructure & Networking Mr. Madhavan Seshadri Advisor: Solution Definition Mr. Raj Bhat Advisor: Incubation & AccelerationMr. Anand VoraAdvisor: Industry Collaboration Mr. Nilesh LeleAdvisor: Industry CollaborationDr. Anirudha Joshi Advisor: Human Computer InteractionDr. Abhishek ShrivastavaAdvisor: Human Computer InteractionMr. Shashank DeshpandeAdvisor: Human Computer InteractionMr. Siddharth KanungoAdvisor: LLM ChairpersonProf. Laxmidhar BeheraDirector, IIT Mandi iHub and HCi Foundation DST RepresentativeDr. Ekta KapoorMission Director, NMICPS, DST Academic RepresentativesDr. Bharadwaj AmruturProfessor, IISc BangaloreProf. Shubhajit Roy ChowdhuryCHCi Chairperson & Professor IIT Mandi Project Director, IIT Mandi iHub and HCi Foundation Prof. Syed AbbasDean SRIC, IIT Mandi Prof. M ManivannanProfessor, IIT Madras Prof. M. BalakrishnanHonorary Professor, CSE Department, IIT Delhi Industry RepresentativesDr. Balamuralidhar PPrincipal Scientist & Head (Retd),TCS Innovation Labs Dr. Srivari Chandrashekar Chief Scientific Advisor PI HealthSciences Group Former Secretary DST & SERBAir Vice Marshal PKH Sinha VSM (Retd)Director, IIT Mandi iHub and HCi Foundation Strategic Advisor, IIT Mandi Dr. Balvinder SinghFounder, BluOxyGen.AI Ex-Vice President Samsung R&D Institute - BangaloreMember Secretary Mr. Somjit AmritCEO IIT Mandi iHub and HCi Foundation iHub TeamProf. Shubhajit Roy ChowdhuryProject Director Mr. Shrawan KumarProject Manager- Finance and Accounts Mr. Somjit AmritChief Executive Officer Dr. S. VaibhavAssistant Manager- Industry Collaboration Ms. Volga VermaGeneral Manager Mr. Rahul SharmaAssistant Manager -Technology Mr. Avnish MishraManager - Finance, Procurement & Administration Mr. Sahil JaglanSenior Associate Mr. Khem SinghSenior Associate Mr. NaveenSenior Associate Ms. Sonmati VermaSenior Associate Ms. Shweta Pathania Associate Mr. Deepak ChauhanTechnical Assistant Mr. Abhay SagarGraphic Designer Mr. Ramanuj SaketJunior Software Developer Mr. Jitendra SahaniJunior Software Developer Ms. Priti SainiJunior Technical Assistant Ms. Printi ThakurOffice AssistantMs. Anjana PathaniaJunior Accountant Ms. Nidhi SehgalSr. Technical Assistant Skill Development Ms. Srishti SharmaJunior Software Developer Ms. Mansi PathaniaJunior Executive Mr. Abhinandan SharmaJunior Executive Our ResearchersDr. Anuj NandanwarFaculty Fellow Dr. KulbhushanPost Doctoral Fellow Dr. Pooja SharmaPost Doctoral Fellow Mr. Prem Kumar VishwakarmaSr. Trainer & Placement Officer Mr.Vinod ChauhanTrainer, Skill Development Mr. Varsh MehraTrainer, Skill Development Mr. Sumeet KashyapField Officer Ms. Diksha PalTrainer, Skill Development Mr. Chuni LalField Officer Perambaku Babu PrakashTrainer, Skill Development Mr. Dushant HernoteData Collection Officer